FTP on eDisk
- maximum filesize is 3 GB per file uploaded with FTP
How to activate FTP upload
1) log in to your account on eDisk (or create new account, if you don't have one)
2) select password in the “Settings” section and click “Activate”
Why use FTP upload?
- it is faster and more stable when uploading files
- you can upload unlimited ammount of files at the same time
How to upload files with FTP?
1) you need FTP client program, i.e. (download here)
2) activate FTP upload in your account on www.edisk.eu in "Settings"
3) open FTP client and connect to ftp.edisk.cz
4) use your eDisk email address and selected password
5) upload files to eDisk FTP root directory and you will find these files in your account just few minutes later
Uploading files with Speed Commander
1) in the program menu select Quick Connect FTP, in the Hostname field put "ftp.edisk.cz" and put there email address and password from your settings on eDisk. Then click the "Ok" button.
2) when connected to FTP server, select files to upload to eDisk and drag&drop them to the FTP window of the program
3) when the upload finishes, you should see your files in the other window
4) now simply wait for a while and you will find your files at www.edisk.eu